Gulabi Pankh - Eco-friendly Plantable Rakhi embedded with seeds

Rs. 349.00
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This Eco-friendly Plantable Rakhi embedded with seeds is made from naturally dyed hand spun organic cotton yarn.

  • Content: Eco-friendly Plantable Rakhi embedded with Tomato, Amaranthus, Purslane, Basil seeds + Roli-Chawal 
  • Biodegradable Packaging - The box and envelope is made from waste cotton are 100% biodegradable. 
  • Handcrafted locally:  Go Local with the Plantable Rakhis embedded with seeds and support the artists & farmer community of Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan.
  • Pre Order Now. The product will be shipped on 31st of July and reach by 3rd August.
  • Shipping free all across India


    Plantable Seed Flags

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